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🔒 How to Use Authentication in PWA: Step-by-Step Guide from sierratech

  • 17 Jul, 2024
  • 1 Comment

Know How to Use Authentication in PWA with our comprehensive guide tailor-made for PWA developers. Learn how to secure your progressive web app and enhance user experience.

Authentication in PWA

How to Use Authentication in PWA: Step-by-Step Guide from sierratech

How to use authentication in pwa

Hey! Today, sierratech company team tell how to use authentication in PWA. If you’ve been scratching your head over securing your Progressive Web App, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

Why Authentication Matters in PWAs

Before we jump into the how-to, let’s talk about why you should care about authentication in your PWA. Here’s the deal:

  • It keeps user data safe and secure
  • It enables personalized experiences
  • It’s crucial for e-commerce and subscription-based PWAs
  • It builds trust with your users

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Use Authentication in PWA

Step 1: Choose Your Authentication Method

First things first, you’ve got to decide on an authentication method. Here are some popular options:

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • OAuth 2.0
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Social login (Google, Facebook, etc.)

For this guide, we’ll focus on JWT as it’s widely used and relatively simple to implement.

Step 2: Set Up Your Backend

To use authentication in your PWA, you’ll need a backend server. Here’s a quick setup using Node.js and Express:

const express = require('express');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const app = express();


app.post('/login', (req, res) => {
  // Verify user credentials here
  const token = jwt.sign({ userId: 'user123' }, 'your-secret-key');
  res.json({ token });

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

Step 3: Implement Client-Side Authentication

Now, let’s implement authentication on the client-side of your PWA. Here’s how:

// Login function
async function login(username, password) {
  const response = await fetch('/login', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify({ username, password })
  const data = await response.json();
  localStorage.setItem('token', data.token);

// Function to make authenticated requests
async function authenticatedFetch(url, options = {}) {
  const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
  options.headers = {
    'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
  return fetch(url, options);

Step 4: Secure Your PWA’s Routes

To use authentication in your PWA effectively, you’ll want to secure your routes. Here’s how you can do it with a simple middleware:

function authMiddleware(req, res, next) {
  const token = req.headers.authorization?.split(' ')[1];
  if (!token) return res.status(401).json({ error: 'No token provided' });

  jwt.verify(token, 'your-secret-key', (err, decoded) => {
    if (err) return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid token' });
    req.userId = decoded.userId;

app.get('/protected-route', authMiddleware, (req, res) => {
  res.json({ message: 'This is a protected route', userId: req.userId });

Step 5: Implement Logout Functionality

Don’t forget about logging out! Here’s a simple way to implement logout in your PWA:

function logout() {
  // Redirect to login page or update UI

Best Practices for Authentication in PWAs

Now that you know how to use authentication in PWA, let’s talk about some best practices:

  • Always use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit
  • Implement token refresh mechanisms for long-lived sessions
  • Use secure storage methods like IndexedDB for sensitive data
  • Implement proper error handling for authentication failures
  • Consider implementing biometric authentication for mobile devices

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When implementing authentication in your PWA, watch out for these common mistakes:

  • Storing tokens in localStorage (use secure cookies instead)
  • Not validating tokens on the server-side
  • Forgetting to handle token expiration
  • Neglecting to implement proper CORS settings

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FAQ: 🔒 How to Use Authentication in PWA: Step-by-Step Guide from sierratech

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can utilize various authentication methods to ensure secure access. The most common ones include: OAuth – A widely-used open standard for access delegation, allowing users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites without sharing passwords. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) – A compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. It is commonly used for secure information exchange. Social Login – Allows users to sign in using their social media accounts (like Facebook, Google, or Twitter), simplifying the authentication process. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Adds an extra layer of security by requiring not only a password and username but also something that only the user has on them (e.g., a smartphone). These methods enhance security and user experience, making them essential for modern PWAs.
Implementing OAuth authentication in a Progressive Web App (PWA) involves a few key steps: Register Your Application: Start by registering your application with the OAuth provider (e.g., Google, Facebook). You’ll receive client credentials (client ID and client secret). Direct Users to the Authorization Endpoint: Redirect users to the OAuth provider’s authorization endpoint where they can log in and authorize your app. Handle the Redirect: After authorization, the provider will redirect back to your application with an authorization code. Exchange Code for Tokens: Use the authorization code to request an access token from the provider’s token endpoint. Use the Access Token: With the access token, you can access the user’s information and authenticate API requests. This process ensures that your PWA securely handles user authentication while leveraging the robust security measures of established OAuth providers.
JWT (JSON Web Token) is popular for PWA authentication due to several compelling reasons: Compact and Secure: JWTs are compact and can be easily transmitted via URLs, POST parameters, or inside HTTP headers, making them efficient for mobile and web applications. Self-Contained: Each JWT contains all the necessary information about the user, eliminating the need to query the database multiple times. Stateless: JWTs are stateless, meaning the server does not need to store session information. This reduces server load and enhances scalability. Standardized and Interoperable: JWT is a standardized format (RFC 7519), ensuring broad interoperability across different systems and platforms. Ease of Use: Implementing JWT is straightforward with many libraries available for different programming languages, making it easy to integrate into PWAs.

01 Comment

  • Thalia Hand

    17 July, 2024     4:11 am

    This article provides a clear and concise guide on how to implement authentication in Progressive Web Apps. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for developers to understand and follow. Overall, a helpful resource for anyone looking to enhance the security of their PWA.

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